Below is the names and contact details of the Executive & General Committee.
Executive Committee.
President: Tony Kelly. 0428 266 104.
Vice President: Shane Baker. 0415 402 307.
Secretary: Martin Preuss 0419 744 388
Treasurer: Baz Collins 0409 311 147
Public Officer: Pat O’Brien 0427 416 354
General Committee.
Web Admin: Brian Leske 0407 831 566
Events Coordinator: Luke Donaldson 0402 534 566
Club Registrar: Ross Hawkins 0409 176 717
Members Delegate: Ian Riseborough 0437 505 114
Executive Committee.
President: Tony Kelly. 0428 266 104.
Vice President: Shane Baker. 0415 402 307.
Secretary: Martin Preuss 0419 744 388
Treasurer: Baz Collins 0409 311 147
Public Officer: Pat O’Brien 0427 416 354
General Committee.
Web Admin: Brian Leske 0407 831 566
Events Coordinator: Luke Donaldson 0402 534 566
Club Registrar: Ross Hawkins 0409 176 717
Members Delegate: Ian Riseborough 0437 505 114